Duties of Budget and Performance Branch Manager

• To prepare the administrative budget, including the budget estimates of the two years following consolidated unit proposals, in accordance with the university's strategic plan and annual performance program, and to monitor and evaluate the compliance of the administrative activities with them.

• To prepare the detailed spending / financing program of the administration in accordance with the budget principles and principles to be determined in accordance with the legislation.

• To carry out Budget Transactions and keep records.

• Issuance of appropriation sending document.

• To carry out the follow-up procedures of income and receivables, accrual of YÖK Revenues, ÖYP Revenues, Student Revenues, Consultancy Service Revenues and other Service Revenues.

• To report budget implementation results, to take measures to prevent problems and increase efficiency.

• Preparing the Realization and Implementation Results of Investment Projects.

• To provide the preparation of the Corporate Financial Status and Expectations Report.

• To coordinate the Performance Program, Performance Review and Evaluation preparations and to carry out the works to consolidate the results.